Do You Know God?

While most of us have heard that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, etc…. do we actually know why? If we are trusting in God to save us from our sins, how do we know He will? Things like “I heard it in church” or “my parents told me” aren’t sufficient enough when we’re all accountable to God individually and will be judged (Rom 14:12). Just like in any relationship, if we lack the ability to describe a person, we don’t know them as well as we think we do. Describing God is important for our spiritual growth: if we want to grow in godliness, what does that look like if we don’t know God? Fortunately, we can rest assured, because God has given us His words describing Himself so that we can all know Him better.


Is Your Mind Vain?


God Doesn’t Work in Mysterious Ways