True Freedom

Every year, Independence Day brings about ample celebration and commemorates the ratification of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This decision to declare independence from the monarchy of Britain formed the United States of America: 13 free, united, and independent states.

Freedom and liberty are often associated with this national day, due to its origins, but what does it mean to be truly free?

The Bible has a lot to say on this topic and it has nothing to do with freedom from taxation without representation or even freedom from rulers who prohibit the practice of Christianity.

The Bible states that knowing the truth makes you free (Joh 8:32).

But free from what and free to do what?

After trusting the gospel, Christ’s propitiatory death, burial, and resurrection to forgive you of your sins, you are free from many things and you are freely given many things. This is true freedom! (1Co 15:1-4)

According to the riches of God’s grace, we are free from sin and the bondage of it. We are free from the law and the condemnation of it. We are free from the bondage of religious chains.

We are free from not just the eternal penalty of sin (hell) but also sin’s reign in our lives today. We are free from the curse and sting of death (Rom 6:18-23, 7:1-6, Gal 5:1, 1Co 9:19, 15:55-57).

Freedom in Christ is not just the long list of terrible things we are free from, but also what we are freely given and are free to do!

Through the grace of God we are freely given justification, righteousness, eternal life, unconditional love, all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, acceptance by God, forgiveness, and wisdom amongst numerous others (Rom 3:21-26, 5:15-19, Eph 1:2-12).

With all of this freedom and all of these spiritual blessings in Christ, we are untethered from the power of sin so that we can use the liberty we have to serve one another in love. This liberty allows us to help others taste the freedom only Jesus brings (Gal 5:13). We are free to walk in life!

Praise God that from the moment we trusted in the gospel, we can celebrate our soul’s Independence Day from the penalty and reign of sin in our lives. 


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