How to Avoid Being Beguiled

The world is full of things that distract us from doing the right thing. Sin is never a right thing, and while it may be easy to point out the religiously taboo vices that self-righteous church-goers would NEVER do (sarcasm), what is more dangerous are the lies that hide the simplicity of the gospel and the sufficiency of Christ.

The ideas and doctrines of the world, rooted in self-righteousness and a desire to be our own god, lead to destruction. However, they are often enticing to the flesh. They sound sweet to the ear, but never satisfy. They promise joy, peace, pleasure, and purpose, but they fall short and are vain (Eph 4:17-19, 2Pe 2:17-19, 1Jn 2:16).

These deceptive lies of the world are not just propagated by godless atheists and pagans, but also by false teachers who name Christ. These teachers handle the word of God deceitfully and propagate false doctrines of works-based righteousness for money and control (2Co 4:2, 9:8, 11:3-4, 13-15, Gal 4:2, 5:4-7, Eph 5:6, 2Ti 3:1-13, Titus 1:10-14).

The Apostle Paul warns the Colossians of this very thing:

“[3] In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. [4] And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words” – Colossians 2:3-4

When we are beguiled through enticing words, we are deceived. We are misled, caused to believe what is false, often through a lie with a hint of truth mixed in so that it goes down smoothly.

If you think Christ is insufficient in any capacity, you are being deceived. The “wisdom of the world” will tell you that Christ and His grace alone aren’t enough to save you, be the sole source of spiritual growth, or be enough for you in all things (2Co 11:3-4, Col 2:18-19).

IN CHRIST are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. They are not found anywhere else. You are complete in Christ the moment you trusted the gospel of grace. In the body of Christ, we stand forgiven, saved, and secure with all spiritual blessings (Col 2:10, Eph 1:3, 4:32, Rom 5:1-2). No guru, teacher, preacher, or self-help author can add or take away what Christ has freely given.

These truths guard us against anyone who teaches you don’t need Christ or that you need Christ AND something else. To avoid being beguiled, we need to be grounded in the truth of God’s sufficient grace (2Co 12:9-10).  

But how does this deception happen so easily? People don’t wake up in the morning and get excited about how they can’t wait to be deceived, which is why the lies and promises of the world are effective against so many. People are ignorant of the truth, so they are easily persuaded against it. Satan doesn’t want anyone to know they are ignorant (2Co 11:13-15).

“But I would never believe the lies of the world!” If you think you’re incapable of being deceived, you already are (1Co 10:12). 

Contrary to the popular cultural mantra that “you are enough,” the Bible clearly lays out that you are not. You always fall short and you are insufficient to save your own soul, let alone be good (Rom 3:10-20). This truth of our insufficiency and Christ’s sufficiency in all things is our weapon against the “wisdom and knowledge” of the world.

To combat the constant barrage of lies from the world, we need to study God’s word to renew our minds and discern truth from error (Rom 12:1-2). Trust in Christ alone and you will continue to uncover the riches that are only found in Him (Eph 1:18, 3:1-10, Php 4:19, Col 1:27).


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