Complete in Christ

Complete – having no deficiency; perfect.

When we believe in the gospel, we are instantaneously and supernaturally saved by God’s grace. We become eternally secure. We are complete in Christ. (1Co 15:1-4, Eph 1:12-14, Col 2:10)

This concept of being complete in Christ can be confusing. Even after we’re saved, we still sin and we still aren’t perfect. So how can this statement be true?

Our completion in Christ concerns our heavenly position, our salvation. Our eternal judicial standing before a just and holy God is perfect, having no deficiency, because we have the imputed perfect righteousness of Christ (Rom 4:23-25).

The completion you have in Christ is one of the most important truths you can remember as a Christian. It is stated in Colossians 2 surrounded by warnings against worldly philosophy, vain deceit, the tradition of men, and the rudiments of the world that seek to rob you of your eternal security (Col 2:8-10). Knowing you are complete in Christ allows you to combat the lies of the world.

Under God’s old covenant, circumcision was required as a token to enter into God’s chosen people (Gen 17:10-14, Lev 12:3). Today, under grace, we are circumcised with the circumcision without hands by the killing of our old man, the separation from the body of our sins that used to define us (Col 2:11).

Similarly today, many are confused about water baptism as a necessity to be saved.

The one and only baptism for the body of Christ is not with water, but by the Spirit into the body through the faith of the operation of God when we trust in the gospel of Christ. We are baptized into Christ’s death by the Spirit, not into a pool of water (Rom 6:3-4, 1Co 12:13, Eph 4:4-6, Col 2:12).  

Many are deceived by the lies of the world that their works play a part. The world tells you that your works and deeds define you. The world says that you can be good with your own efforts or that you’re too far gone in your wickedness to be saved.  

None of those is true: no amount of good behavior, sin-confessing, church-going, charitable giving, or enduring will add or take away from your complete position in Christ.

God’s righteousness is offered to all and given to all who believe in the gospel (Rom 3:21-26). It’s by His love and grace alone that we can be saved. Nothing we do adds to it. Nothing we do can negate it. Neither circumcision, baptism, nor any other ordinance can add or take away from what Christ has already accomplished for you.

“But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” – Romans 4:5

The merits of Christ’s blood sacrifice on your behalf saved you from God’s wrath and paid for your infinite sin debt in full, it wasn’t given on a loan and it wasn’t given on a vesting schedule. He loved us by dying for us while we were yet sinners, and because of that, we are justified and atoned for now. (Rom 5:8-10)

Your old man is dead. You’re alive in Christ. You have a new identity in Christ not defined by what you’ve done or what you will do, but by what He has done. You’ve been forgiven ALL trespasses, not just the ones in your past (Col 2:13, Eph 4:32).

Remembering your complete position will bring you peace. You haven’t known true peace until you’ve realized you are at peace with a just and righteous God, even though you don’t deserve it (Rom 5:1-2).

When you remember your complete position in Jesus, it guards you against pride and the enticing lies of the world. Your best day is never so good that you’re beyond the need of God’s grace, and your worst day is never so bad that you’re beyond the reach of God’s grace.

Put your faith in Jesus’s shed blood on your behalf and your salvation will be complete in Him.


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