Arabian Reflections

I wanted to share a few thoughts from the week that I hope are edifying. I’m currently in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for work and it made me reflect on a few things.

The first is that we have an enormous opportunity in the United States to preach the gospel freely without fear of imprisonment. It is something that is easy to take for granted, but here in Saudi Arabia, it is illegal to preach the gospel of Christ. It can result in beatings, fines, imprisonments, or even death. Let us reflect on this and utilize our opportunities to be bold for our faith, in word and deed, to see souls saved and saints edified!

The second is that Mount Sinai is located in Arabia, not in the Sinai peninsula or the alleged Mount Sinai there. The “agreed upon” location is based on tradition and not reality. Trust the Bible, not a man-made map or religious tradition! If you haven’t seen any videos on it, I recommend the Patterns of Evidence movie series investigating Israel’s history and coinciding with what the Bible says! There are also lots of interesting videos on YouTube concerning the topic!

“Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.” – Gal 1:17

“For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children” – Gal 4:25


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